How To Identify and Develop Your Psychic Language
“Is it like in TV and movies when you are overcome by visions that turn out to be true?”
“Do you hear voices telling you things that are about to happen?”
“Do you meditate and get information about things that haven’t happened yet?”
“Can you see things in crystal balls?”
“Do your Tarot cards just…like… show you the future?”
“Do you have precognitive dreams?”
“Can you read minds?”
“What am I thinking right now?”
“Seriously though, how do you do it?”
I’ve been asked all of these questions by curious people as well as hopeful psychics trying to develop their own abilities, and here’s the deal: everyone experiences psychic phenomena in their own very unique way. Developed psychics are the true snowflakes of the world because no two are alike. For every one of these questions, you will probably find a psychically gifted person who will confirm that this is, in fact, the way they get their information. Sometimes people, including myself, can’t even explain how they get some of their information other than to say “I just knew.” I will often try to explain it in a way that others can understand by comparing it to having a very clear memory of something that never actually happened to me. It’s like I’ve been given someone else’s memory, including the sounds, smells, sights, and feelings associated with it. This memory is not mine and even more strangely, this “memory” can be associated with an event that is in the past, the present, or even the future. This particular “delivery” method is one that I don’t have control over and it happens randomly. Strange, right? I know, it’s just as weird for me, and this experience is a perfect example of a natural psychic gift. I was born with this ability and I never had to work to develop or fine tune it. For better or worse, it just….is.
In an attempt to make sense of the phenomenon of psychic gifts, we have come up with some terms that give us a common language with which to refer to the different ways information comes to us. Psychic receipt of information usually falls into a few broad and universal categories that are often referred to as the “clairs.” This is the first part of understanding and identifying your own psychic gifts. “Clairs” are the “how.” How do you get the information? What human capability is recruited to let you know a message is coming through to you? These “clairs” are clairvoyance (psychic vision), clairaudience (psychic hearing), clairsentience (psychic feeling), and claircognisance (psychic knowing). There are some subcategories out there, but for the most part these are the big ones. The type of information received by each of the “clairs” is pretty obvious now that you know what each one means. Nearly 100% of developed psychics will fall into one or more of these categories, so this isn’t where the true uniqueness lies. How the information is uniquely interpreted by each person once it passes through any of these “clairs” is where the real differences are observed. This is the heart of the development of your own psychic language. If a hundred psychics who are all clairvoyant receive exactly the same vision, there will be 100 different interpretations of that vision resulting in 100 different messages. So you see, it’s about the interpretation of the designated reader rather than the specific symbols coming through. The psychic must develop the lens that is used to view and understand the messages. Very rarely, I will turn the client into the reader for a brief moment when I receive a message that I do not understand, by saying to my client “I don’t understand this, but you likely will so I’ll just tell you what I’m getting.” Without fail, that message will mean something to them that it did not mean to me. If your father died in an accident at a St. Patrick’s Day Parade, and you see a four leaf clover, you are going to interpret that through a very different lens than I do when I see a four leaf clover. No one else’s lens matters but yours when you are the one receiving the message. If it doesn’t make sense to the overall reading through my lens, I know to pass it through yours so you interpret it in your own symbolic language.
To illustrate just how unique each psychic is, I can tell you that my naturally given “clairs” are a combination of clairaudience and clairsentience. This means that if I can hear the vibration of your voice, I feel what you feel, and I know the intentions that are motivating both your words and actions. If I intentionally connect with this, I can also feel the emotions, and am aware of the intentions that are motivating the actions of those around you. It’s kind of like I can jump from you over to them. For me, these two “clairs” are very closely tied to one another and this is the absolute easiest way for me to quickly receive information. This is almost as natural as breathing for me and it is something I’ve done my entire life, even long before I realized it was unusual. In all honesty, I was an adult before I suspected that everyone wasn’t doing this all the time. I’m sure you can imagine the level of miscommunication I’ve experienced in my life due to this. In addition to this combination that was naturally gifted to me, I have developed and fine tuned the other two “clairs,” but they almost always involve my use of my main “clairs” to become activated and useful.
Cue the tools.
Here is where is gets super cool. Suspect you’re psychic? You definitely are, because the information being accessed through people’s natural psychic gifts is accessible to everyone. You just haven’t learned what psychic language you speak yet. So how do you find out? You simply have to develop your own lens. The easiest way to start to do this is by trying out every single psychic tool you can think of until you find the one that fully resonates with you. Tarot, crystal balls, tea leaves, meditation, runes… doesn’t matter. Spend time with all of them and one day you are going to get your hands (and your mind) on one that will unlock your full psychic potential. For me, it was Tarot cards. Along the way, I learned that I can receive information by skrying, reading tea leaves, pendulums, etc., because the tools aren’t actually where the power lies. Tarot cards are literally just pieces of paper. They simply act as a conduit for information to take a physical form that I can then easily interpret. Cards are likely always going to be the tool that allows me to receive messages in the clearest language in the shortest amount of time, but I practice with other tools daily so that I can continue to develop those skills too. I tell people that my full psychic potential is a lake, but I can’t swim so the tools have become the boat that allows me to get onto the lake without drowning. Otherwise, its like I’m trying to listen to a single news story that is on a TV in a room with 400 other TV’s all on a different station at maximum volume. I can’t hear the one I want by just sitting there listening, but my tools put all of them on mute except that one.
This brings me to my next point.
Listen to me closely here, because this is the part that most people completely miss when they are trying to develop their psychic abilities. Psychic information will ALWAYS come to you in YOUR OWN LANGUAGE. Stop trying to speak someone else’s language. You are solely responsible for the development of your own language. You must construct your own lens. The second you stop trying to speak someone else’s language, you will amaze yourself at the amount of information you are receiving all the time. Almost everyone has at least one of the “clairs” naturally given to them, but they haven’t developed the language to understand the information they are receiving. Seriously, just try it. Buy a new deck of Tarot cards and don’t even open that little book that comes with it until you’ve spent enough time with each card to decide how it makes you feel. Better yet, just throw the little book away. Think about what the images trigger in you. It will be different than any other person’s information. This will become your lens.
People have you thinking you have to meditate all day, pry your own third eye open, and engage in various other forms of ritualistic bullshit in order to “get in touch” with some mysterious force out there. You know how I learned to read Tarot cards? I bought a deck because it just seemed cool. I had no reason to do this. I suspect I was receiving messages leading me to take this action that I didn’t consciously recognize since I hadn’t developed my lens yet, but that’s another story. I spent nearly every waking second just flipping through that deck. I took it everywhere. I slept with it under my pillow. I spent a great deal of time with every single card identifying how it made me feel. I let my imagination wander and thought about what each card reminded me of. I paid attention to the songs, people, events in my life, emotions, thoughts, and anything else that came to mind as I did this. I paid very close attention to all of my senses as I spent time with each card. I took note of every single sensation. I spent literally years doing this before I ever attempted to read for anyone. This is how I fully connected with the collective conscious. I simply used examples from my own life and started linking them with symbols. I learned that on a fundamental level, nearly every human experience can be broken down to a few common energetic sensations. I developed a consistent link between certain unique and fixed symbols and those sensations. I bought new decks and did the same thing and through that process, I discovered that the same cards would mean completely different things for me if they were in different decks and used different colors and symbols. I had essentially written my own glossary.
Over many years, I was able to see distinct patterns. I was able to identify which symbols brought to mind particular patterns of energy and how those patterns shaped human behaviors in both myself and in others. Through this, my own glossary of psychic symbols that I still carry in my head with me has continued to develop. Knowing which symbols are connected to which energetic pathways in my own life, is the key to delivering consistent messages to others. This is my lens through which to interpret my messages, and my lens is different from anyone else’s. Every single piece of information that comes to me must pass through it to get here. If another psychic were to come behind me with their lens and look at my messages, what is so clear to me would probably look like total nonsense to them. After many years of practice, I’m now completely fluent in this language that I wrote for myself, but I know that if I had been trying to use someone else’s language, I would still have no idea that I have these abilities. I am now so fluent in my own language that I can use the same lens and apply it to any psychic tool, and really to any situation at all.
The bottom line? If you want to find out what your own psychic gifts are, start by identifying what your unique psychic language is and developing your own lens. Information can come across through pictures, songs, sudden emotions, sensations in your physical body, dreams, or just about anything else you can imagine (remember those “clairs”). The point is, regardless of how you are getting the information, the language being spoken and subsequent interpretation of it will be unique to you. It doesn’t matter what anyone else’s language is. It only matters that you are fluent in and can recognize yours. Tools are an incredibly useful way to find both your language and the way it is spoken to you. This a slow process for most people, but is necessary to become a fully developed psychic. The more you practice, the more fluent you will become.
I am not special. Every single one of you is capable of this if you want to develop it. If not, I’m happy to do the heavy lifting and bring your message to you through my own lens.
Brightest Blessings,