The Problem With Multiple Readings
Everyday I encounter at least one client who wants to have a million and one (okay that might be a little exaggeration) readings done on a single subject. This almost always involves another person and the relationship between the client and this other person. Most often, this is a relationship that has ended and the client wants to reconcile. This million-and-one-readings situation is also one I encounter often when there is a person the client wishes to be in a relationship with. They want to know exactly how this other person is feeling about them and if there is relationship potential. Neither of these reading subjects are inappropriate or beyond my capacity to see, and both of them can be very useful when making empowered and informed life choices. The problem comes in when the client wants multiple readings in rapid succession on exactly the same subject. Most often, these clients are chasing a reading that perfectly reflects the desired outcome so they can avoid having to work through their feelings of anxiety, grief, fear, or pain. Most of the time, the overwhelming message of this readings is, “you need to move on from this situation because a better path is waiting to align with you that you are blocking by continuing to energetically invest in this”, but I guess that’s none of my business, right? It is very difficult to hear “he/she is just not that into you”, but continuing to request readings, either from the same reader or from different readers until you hear the answer you want, does nothing for your personal growth and development. This simply keeps you on the path that does not lead to your highest good for a longer period of time. Trust me, you will find a psychic who will tell you exactly what you want to hear if you keep looking. Not all of us are proficient and comfortable with compassionately delivering bad news and far too many avoid doing this in an effort to avoid their own discomfort.
What if I’m not “psychic shopping”, but I’m just getting multiple readings in rapid succession on the same subject from the same psychic? Well, I’m glad you asked. Let me give you a scenario to consider:
Your significant other has broken up with you. You are heartbroken. You feel like you will never recover. In desperation, you seek out a reading from a psychic and you ask, “When will we reconcile?”. I look at your situation and discover that reconciliation with this person is not the path that leads to your long term happiness and your highest good. You need to walk away, but I can also see a path that does appear to be able to lead to reconciliation between you two. I know that this is not your best path and that you are blocking a better path that is waiting to come your way by doing this. I now hold an abundance of information that can be incredibly helpful for you and it is my ethical obligation to share it with you, but you are only prepared to hear the answer to the original question, "WHEN WILL THE RECONCILIATION HAPPEN?”. You are upset that I cannot tell you this. There are too many variables affecting the timing that are not possible to accurately predict. I can tell you how to get the ball rolling that way as long I can see the reconciliation as an outcome, but I’m simultaneously trying to get you to understand that this is not the choice that leads you where you should be headed for your highest good. This is a temporary band aid that will ease your pain in the short term, but sends you toward this same pain wrapped in a different cloak later on. This path is only serving to delay the lesson you are being asked to learn in the present moment in order to continue moving toward your highest good. It will only take longer to get to your highest good if you follow this path. It is a detour.
Far too many times, the tunnel vision of “when will this happen” obscures the real message trying to come to you. You ignore this warning I’m trying to give you and instead, you start joyfully down that path of reconciliation I told you about. Now begins an endless cycle of more readings along the lines of “how does he feel about me right now?”, or “did he get my text message” and “when will he respond to my email?” or one of my favorites, “how does he feel about my new Facebook profile picture?”. What this does, is puts you and I into a cycle where we are trying to chase someone else’s energetic path in real time. The funny thing about energetic pathways from the psychic perspective, is that they are like lightening. Picture how lightening wobbles, forks, splits, travels away, and eventually ends up at a singular striking point. They will reach their intended singular “striking point” IN THEIR OWN TIMING if we leave them alone. If we manipulate the energy at the point of a wobble or fork in the path, we are very likely to change the originally intended final endpoint of that particular path. Every wobble, split, and fork in your significant other’s path is going to be felt by me if it is occurring right around the time of that reading. If your significant other is having a bad day and is really having a hard time with something, I’m going to feel that as a pulling away. I have no choice but to tell you your significant other is currently pulled back and facing away from you energetically. This doesn’t mean that the path isn’t going to end in the same spot. It’s just a wobble, but for you, it is huge. It causes anxiety and erodes your trust in the process of how energetic pathways work. You now desperately need to regain control of the situation so you start frantically taking action to try and manipulate the path back toward you in some way.
As soon as we start trying to chase and manipulate a path, we are more than likely going to alter the end destination of that path with these actions. Sometimes this is the intention, but once we get aligned with the desired path, we then have to leave it alone, sit back, and trust the process and the timing. Now, recall that hypothetical path to reconciliation we’ve been chasing? You know, the one that isn’t the path to your greatest good? The universe wants you to move forward from this detour and align with your greatest good so it is working hard to make this happen for you. The detour energy is very fragile, and because of this, it is just waiting to fall apart so that you are forced to your greater good more quickly. Repeatedly looking at or trying to exert your control over an already fragile energetic pathway is the very best way to begin to actually start to repel that path from you. This apparent “shyness” of a pathway that appears to get farther and farther away from a client the more it is watched and prodded, is a phenomenon that has been observed by many psychics, including myself. Because of this, the biggest issue with multiple readings on the same subject in rapid succession is obtaining an outcome that is the opposite of what you desire. You wanted the detour, remember? But now you are manipulating all of the variables I have seen along this path that have made the detour possible for you. Every single reading done during a wobble or fork in the path causes you to take some sort of action or even start to think in such a way that begins to manipulate the intended outcome of that path. Since the default of the universe is to send you to your greatest good, this is where you’re going to go as you continue to manipulate your path. You will not go where you want to go, because that detour I saw in the initial reading? It no longer exists. You’ve obliterated it by obsessively trying to chase it and control it with your actions. Knowing that you are pushing yourself away from your desired detour and toward your greatest good faster isn’t going to hurt my feelings at all, because that’s always where I want you to be, but boy is it going to upset you when the outcome you’re chasing slips farther and farther from your grasp. Your detour is now gone.
The bottom line is, get a reading, find the path you want (even if it is a big detour I don’t agree with), and listen when I tell you how to get yourself aligned with that path. Once you’ve done this, leave it alone and trust the process. You should only check in on the same subject if there has been a very big change or a new development that has caused you to feel a major shift in the way things were going. If it feels like a sustained change lasting more than a few days, maybe it could be helpful to take a look at how the path is evolving, but wait for the wobble to pass before you panic. Breathe. Trust.
I’ll spare you a lengthy discussion on the reasons why forcing yourself to the wrong path leads you to feel the compulsion for serial readings in rapid succession in the first place. It should be a huge red flag to you if you feel the need to look at the same question over and over and over in closely spaced readings.
Spoiler alert:
The universe is taking advantage of the fragility of the energetic detour you are on and hoping you’ll inadvertently obliterate it completely by continuing to chase it.
So, my loving suggestion to you is to avoid that detour, and the multiple readings that come along with it completely, and be brave enough to identify and travel the path to your greatest good from the start.
Brightest Blessings,